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Be Prepared. Be Safe. Be Yourself.

International Academic Programs is committed to providing an international academic experience for all students. As you explore study abroad programs, consider how you identify.  As attitudes, perceptions and laws in other countries can differ, you may encounter stereotypes, questions, curiosity and other challenges surrounding your identity while abroad. It is important to consider the potential contrast between your expectations and the actual reality when studying abroad, and be prepared if your experiences lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, or fatigue. Although you may encounter obstacles, keep in mind that immersing yourself in a new cultural environment presents a remarkable opportunity for personal transformation and growth, allowing you to gain new perspectives into the dynamics of various societies and cultures. As you navigate reflections around identity, you are not alone. International Academic Programs, fellow students, and on-campus faculty and staff can serve as valuable resources to assist in reflecting upon your identity and helping you make an informed decision.

Research and familiarize yourself with the history, culture, social and political views, laws and demographics of the host country. When reading news articles, blogs or commentaries, think about the perspective from which the information was written. 

Reach out to students who have studied abroad in your host country who may share identities with you. IAP can connect you with an alum. Keep in mind that everyone’s experience will differ.