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URECA Small / Travel Awards



URECA Travel Awards
URECA accepts applications for travel awards of up to $500 for Stony Brook undergraduate researchers presenting at a professional meeting or conference. In order to qualify, an applicant must be a co-author of a paper or poster presented at that meeting. Travel award recipients may use funds to join a professional society as a student member. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications 2-3 weeks prior to the date of the conference, which include:

1) The URECA Travel Award Application Form; 2) an abstract of the project to be presented (~300 words); 3) indication that the abstract has been accepted; 4) a resumé and unofficial transcript ; and 5) a letter of support from the research supervisor to be emailed to

*Applicants whom submit a completed application package (all of the above components), will receive an email notification within a week of their submission.

Please note that funding for the URECA Travel awards program is limited. Multiple students applying for support for the same project or related projects may receive smaller awards. Students who have previously received a Travel Grant from URECA may receive smaller awards or lower priority for funding, if applying for multiple awards in the same academic year.

URECA Small Grant/Awards 
URECA awards grants of up to $300 to undergraduates for the purchase of materials or supplies or to pay for other items related to their research or creative activities. Applicant must be a Stony Brook undergraduate in good standing. The project for which they are requesting funds must be carried out under the supervision of a Stony Brook faculty member. A complete application package consists of the following materials:

1) The URECA Small Grant Application Form; 2) 250-word proposal describing the research project/creative activity for which they seek support. This proposal must indicate how the funds will be used and must be accompanied by the following items: A budget. (If applicable, list any other funding sources supporting the project); 3) letter of support from the student's supervisor to be emailed to and 4) unofficial transcript. (Minimum GPA of 3.3 in major-related coursework recommended). URECA Small Grants are not to be used for the purchase of routine laboratory supplies/reagents.phillenberg

Examples of Small Grants? Phil Lenberg used the funds for rental of parts and performance rights for Stravinsky's Dumbarton Oaks Concerto (still under copyright protection) for a chamber concert that he organized and conducted.

*Applicants whom submit a completed application package (all of the above components), will receive an email notification within a week of their submission.

Applications for URECA Travel & Small Grants are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. (Minimum GPA of 3.0 recommended).

*Students with a project at the intersection of Business & Philosophy are encouraged to apply for the Jane & Armando Jannelli-URECA Award. More information here>>.