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ME partnered with WISE program receives grant to support STEM education

TechPREP — a STEM program for middle school students on Long Island — has received a $20,000 grant from the Long Island Community Foundation. TechPREP is a collaborative effort that includes Stony Brook University’s Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program, Department of Technology and Society, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Research Technologies and Innovation, along with local school districts. The grant will provide funding and facilitators for a one-week summer STEM program, which will serve as many as 100 students from high-need school districts.

As part of the TechPREP program, Prof. Anurag Purwar will offer a Robotics Workshop to the middle school girls from the disadvantaged school districts in Long Island.  He says, “the TechPREP program generously funded by the LICF seeks to address the gender imbalance in engineering, and the Women in Engineering Day will introduce students to the art, practice and excitement of doing engineering design and ultimately help them make better career choices.”
