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News and Announcements


Stony Brook Foundation Trustees Award Recipient

To encourage and support promising early career faculty, the University, through the Provost’s Office, provides research, scholarship and art-making funding opportunities. Five Stony Brook Foundation Trustees Faculty Awards of $20,000 each are competitively available to early career faculty. The awards recognize early-career faculty whose research, creative activities and scholarly achievements predict an exceptional trajectory.

ShanshanAssistant Professor Shanshan Yao is a recipient of this award for her project, “Restoring Tactile Sensation and Feedback in Robot-Assisted Surgery." The goal of this project is to restore the underutilized haptic sensation during robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery by instrumenting multi-DOF tactile sensors on the robot/patient side and multimodal haptic feedback interfaces on the surgeon side. The tactile sensors mounted to surgical tools will gather multi-DOF force and torque during the tool-tissue or tool-tool contact. The multimodal haptic actuators attached to the surgeon’s skin will enable the transmission of the sensed tactile information to the surgeon in real-time. The system is expected to improve operation accuracy, decrease operation duration, and enable more complicated surgical tasks without damaging tissues. Learn more here.


Mobility Assist featured on the "Wall of Innovation"

Assistant Professor Anurag Purwar, PhD and his students developed the Mobility Assist which is featured on the "Wall of Innovation" in the Intellectual Property Partners (IPP) office. This legacy wall highlights some of Stony Brook University's most groundbreaking inventions that have improved the quality of life for generations to come. Anurag_WOI

The Mobility Assist is a portable, independently operated, mobility assistance medical device that helps individuals stand up, sit down and walk.

Learn more here.



A Robot to Assist ALS Patients

A team of Stony Brook University researchers is aiming to alleviate the many difficulties that accompany ALS by using artificial intelligence, mechanical engineering, and consultation by medical experts to create a Caregiving Robot Assistant (CART) for ALS patients and their caregivers.  This project is being led by I.V. Ramakrishnan, PhD, a professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean for Research.

Nilanjan Chakraborty, PhD, roboticist and associate professor in the department of Mechanical Engineering is leadingNilanjan - ALS Robot Assist the technical innovation and development of CART.

“The technical innovation of CART is in the development of an algorithmic approach to manipulation planning based on the screw geometry of motion along with an approach to what we call ‘self-evaluation,’ where the robot evaluates its competence in performing a task and actually prompts a caregiver to provide additional demonstrations,” Ramakrishnan said. Learn more here.


DOE Fellowship awarded to Austin Dick

Austin Dick, a current PhD student, was one of 86 students selected by the Department of Energy (DOE) for their Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program. He was chosen from a diverse pool of graduate applicants from institutions around the country. Austin will be working with Dr. Greg Doerk at Brookhaven National Laboratory on the development of novelAustin Dick hybrid nanomaterials that are obtained by combining metal oxides and polymers.

According to Associate Professor, Carlos Colosqui, " Austin was in a strong position to be selected by the DOE due to his PhD research experience performing both advanced nanofabrication in a clean room and experimental characterization of electrokinetic flows." Learn more here.


ASME hosts Networking Event for Students and Professors

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Student Chapter hosted their first Networking Event for Students and Professors on March 28, 2024. We had the opportunity to speak with the President, Hailee Shehu regarding the success of the event, as well as the other events and projects they are working on. Learn more here.


New Tiger Team Initiative Announcement

Associate Professor Jie Gao is a member of one of the new Tiger Teams focused on Green Technologies. Building off the success of the previous two Tiger Team initiatives, the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the Provost have launched a new Tiger Team initiative focused primarily on climate-related topics. Learn more here.


CEAS Joins Colleagues on Capitol Hill to Advocate for Crucial Funding

On February 7th, Associate Dean for Research and Entrepreneurship and Interim Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Jon Longtin represented Stony Brook University on behalf of Dean Andrew Singer.

_JonLongtin_CapitolHe urged members of the New York congressional delegation and their staff to provide robust funding for all federal science agencies as Congress seeks to pass FY24 appropriations bills and commence the FY25 federal budget process.

“Federal funded research advancements touch every corner of our lives and economy,” said Longtin. “From quantum computing and artificial intelligence to driving innovation in cancer treatment, Stony Brook University researchers are working on developing the next cutting-edge technologies and medical advancements. However, this transformative research can only propel forward with predictable and strong federal funding investments.”


Professor Jeffrey Ge celebrates 30 years with Stony Brook University

Professor Ge has been with the MEC department since 1993. During this time, he has served as Undergraduate Program Director, Deputy Chair, Interim Chair, and Chair. He guided the MECBE program through three successful ABET accreditations and helped guide the SUNY Korea MEC program through its initial accreditation. He also managed the challenges of explosive enrollment growth in MEC, after enrollments doubled in the eight years from 2008 to 2015. During his leadership, the US News and World Report Mechanical Engineering Ranking is up from #70 in 2019 to #50 in 2023.  Jeff is a Fellow of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and served as the chairs of the ASME Mechanisms and RoboticsJeff Ge 30 Years Committee and ASME Design Engineering Division.

He was chair (2012-2016) of USCToMM (U.S. Committee for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, one of 45 member organizations of IFToMM--the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanisms and Machine Science) and elected as Chair of the Constitution Committee of IFToMM (1999-2023).  He has been co-editor of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design since 2021 and a founding member of ASME Robotics Technology Group since 2020. Recently, he received the ASME AT Yang Memorial Award in Theoretical Kinematics (2022) and the ASME Lifetime Achievement Award in Mechanisms and Robotics (2021). Very recently he proposed and received approval from ASME for the creation of a new Journal, ASME Letters in Translational Robotics.


Advancing Endovascular Treatment: Personalized Device Design through Topology Optimization

Associate Professor Shikui Chen along with Dr. Chander Sandasvian (PI, SBU Hospital) and Professor David Gu (CS Department) were awarded an OVPR Seed Grant for their project "Advancing Endocascular Treatment: Personalized Device Design through Toplogy Optimization." This project aims to improve endovascular treatments for vascular diseases like brain aneurysms, aortic aneurysms, and cardiac valve replacements.

Current treatments Shikui Seed Grant 2024face limitations due to the non-optimal fit of medical devices to patient anatomy, leading to complications like recanalization, endoleaks, and paravalvular leaks. The project proposes using advanced computational tools, particularly Topology Optimization (TO) and computational conformal mapping, to design personalized, patient-matched devices (PMDs).

These tools will help simulate deployable structures that conform accurately to individual patients' vascular anatomy, thereby enhancing treatment efficacy and reducing complications. The project's goal, supported by an OVPR seed grant, includes two main aims: generating patient-specific device designs and enabling effective transcatheter deployment using TO and conformal mapping.


Overcoming Carbon-Free Fuel Challenges: Laser-Induced Ammonia Combustion

Assistant Professor Dimitris Assanis and Co-PI, Associate Professor David Hwang were awarded an OVPR seed grant for their project "Overcoming Carbon-Fuel Challenges: Laser-Induced Ammonia Combustion." Ammonia is carbon-free fuel with great long duration storage capabilities that can be made from renewable energy and can help decarbonize the ~2B internal combustion piston engines in the world so we can meet our ambAssanis_Hwang_SeedGrant2024itious net-zero carbon goals.

The problem is that Ammonia combustion is challenged by high ignition temperature requirements and slow flame speeds thus requires hydrogen addition or a new, innovative approach. Laser-induced decomposition and ignition can break the parent fuel, Ammonia, into more reactive intermediate kinetic species of NH2, NH and other radical species that are more readily ignitable and can achieve faster combustion propagation rates.

SBU Joins Doctoral Degrees without Borders

Anurag_RoboticsLabStony Brook University’s College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) is part of a new nine-campus initiative to allow doctoral students from engineering programs around the region to take courses at each other’s institutions without any additional tuition.  The Inter-University Engineering Doctoral Consortium (IUEDC), led by NYU Tandon School of Engineering, encourages PhD students to complement their primary program by taking courses of interest offered at different schools, providing access to specialty instruction and expertise that may not be available at their home universities. Students should be able to enroll in courses at other member institutions beginning in Fall 2024. Learn more here.




